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A História do Diabo (1965)

A História do Diabo [The History of the Devil], São Paulo: Martins, 1965. Written in Portuguese the early 1960s. Flusser had written the book in 1957/58 initially in German. See also Die Geschichte des Teufels, published 1993.


“Man created God and the devil in his own image”. One of Flusser's first works written in Brazil: the story of the devil as a story of progress and critique of science, technology, economics and art, told through the seven deadly sins.1)


Prefácio – 1.000 Introdução [Einleitung] – 2.000 A infância do Diabo [Die Kindheit des Teufels] – 2.200 Como brinca com pião [Wie er mit dem Kreisel spielt] – 2.300 Como brinca com cubos [Wie er mit den Würfeln spielt] – 2.400 Como brinca de compor elementos [Wie er Elemente zusammensetzt] – 3.000 A luxúria [Die Geilheit] – 3.100 A vida [Das Leben] – 3.200 A célula [Die Zelle] – 3.300 O organismo [Der Organismus] – 3.400 O homem [Der Mensch] – 3.500 O sexo [Das Geschlecht] – 3.600 O nacionalismo [Der Nationalismus] – 3.700 O amor pela língua materna [Die Liebe der Muttersprache] – 3.800 O amor ao ler e ao escrever [Die Liebe beim Lesen und Schreiben] – 4.000 A ira [Der Zorn] – 4.100 A liberdade [Die Freiheit] – 4.200 A lei [Das Gesetz] – 4.300 O acaso [Der Zufall] – 4.400 Ira revisitada [Vom neuen Zorn] – 5.000 A gula [Die Gier] – 5.100 A engrenagem [Das Getriebe] – 5.200 O programa [Das Programm] – 5.300 A matéria-prima [Der Rohstoff] – 5.400 O produto [Das Produkt] – 5.500 O instrumento [Das Instrument] – 5.600 O festim [Das Fest] – 6.000 A inveja e a avareza [Der Neid und der Geiz] – 6.100 A sociedade [Die Gesellschaft] – 6.200 A retribução [Die Vergütung] – 6.300 A justiça [Die Gerechtigkeit] – 6.400 A conversação [Das Gespräch] – 7.000 A soberba [Der Stolz] – 7.100 A língua [Die Sprache] – 7.110 A poesia [Die Dichtung] – 7.120 A música e a poesia concreta [Die Musik und die konkrete Dichtung] – 7.130 A pintura [Die Malerei] – 7.140 A ciência [Die Wissenschaft] – 7.200 Tenazes da vontade [Die Fesseln des Willens] – 7.201 A ciéncia como ioga [Die Wissenschaft als Yoga] – 7.210 Ioga como ciéncia [Yoga als Wissenschaft] – 7.300 A contrição [Die Reue] – 8.000 A preguiça e tristeza do coração [Die Trägheit und Trauer des Herzens] – 8.100 O hálito da voz [Der Hauch der Stimme] – 8.110 A estrutura [Die Struktur] – 8.120 O reencontro [Das Wiedersehen] – 8.200 A torre de marfim [Der Elfenbeinturm] – 8.210 A honestidade [Die Ehrlichkeit] – 8.220 O banho de purificação [Das Bad der Läuterung] – 8.230 Não se fale nisto [Darüber soll nicht gesprochen werden] – 8.300 Inversão [Umkehrung] – 8.304 O gongo de bronze [Der bronzene Gong] – 8.307 Luxúria novamente [Neue Geilheit] – 9.000 Post scriptum – 9.003 Não faltam [Es ist nicht zu Ende]2)

Vilém Flusser, A História do Diabo, Biblioteca Flusseriana, Annablume, São Paulo, 2012 at Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, URI:


Die Geschichte des Teufels, das ist die Geschichte des Fortschritts, wir hätten unser Buch ebensogut ›Evolution‹ nennen können. Und Fortschritt ist selbstverständlich mit Geschichte identisch: Nur was sich entwickelt, das hat Geschichte. Wir sehen also, Teufel und Fortschritt und Geschichte, das sind Synonyme. Wir hätten unser Buch auch ›Die Geschichte der Geschichte‹ oder ›Teufel des Teufels‹ nennen können.“3)
“The story of the devil, that is the story of progress, we could just as well have called our book 'evolution'. And progress is, of course, identical with history: only what evolves has history. So we see that the devil and progress and history are synonyms. We could have called our book 'The History of History' or 'Devil of the Devil'.”4)
Nós os ocidentais, somos produtos de uma tradição oficial que pinta o diabo com cores negativas, a saber, como opositor de Deus. Essa tradição parece querer esgotar-se. Ultimamente poucos ocidentais têm-se dedicado à pintura do diabo. As próprias religiões parecem não ter mais o diabo no corpo. O Ocidente cala-se com respeito ao diabo, e pretende tê-lo esquecido, de acordo com a regra: “não se pense nele”. É uma atitude suspeita.”5))
“We Westerners are the products of an official tradition that paints the devil in negative colours, namely as the opponent of God. This tradition seems to be running out. Lately few Westerners have devoted themselves to painting the devil. The religions themselves no longer seem to have the devil in their bodies. The West is silent about the devil and pretends to have forgotten him, according to the rule: “don't think about him”. It is a suspicious attitude.”6)


A História do Diabo, Editora Martins, São Paulo, 1965; Annablume, São Paulo, 2006; edition Biblioteca Flusseriana, Annablume, São Paulo, 20107), 2012
diegeschichtedesteufels.jpegDie Geschichte des Teufels, European Photography, Göttingen, 1993; 2nd edition 19968), 3rd edition 2006


devil, game, human, nationalism, language, reading, writing, anger, freedom, law, chance, greed, program, raw material, product, instrument, society, remuneration, justice, conversation, pride, poetry, music , painting, science, will, yoga, repentance, inertia, voice, structure, honesty, purification, reversal



Vilém Flusser, A História do Diabo , 2012, cover text
7) , 8)
Bibliography Vilém Flusser . In: Flusseriana . An Intellectual Toolbox, English / German / Portuguese, Minneapolis 2015, edited by Siegfried Zielinski / Peter Weibel / Daniel Irrgang, 520-526
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