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(10:40 - 16:47) “Television Image and Political Space”, April 7, 1990 Hall of Art, Budapest

According to Vilém Flusser, television is always anti-political because of its own structure. Politics takes place in the public space, and the relationship between private writing and publication is indispensable for a political feature.

In television, images are no longer published, but are created in private space and sent directly into another private space. Sender and receiver are private. The public space is considered superfluous in this process. There is no use for the political space. The dynamic of political consciousness does not take place (see article: Political Consciousness).

Conversely, however, writing is not equally political; it can also be anti-political (e.g. medium: newspaper).

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fernsehen.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/05 17:47 by