A Piece of Artificial Intelligence (2024)
Editable online version of the publication: Flussera Robionica (ed.), 2024, A Piece of Artificial Intelligence. Fachhochschule Potsdam. The official publication page of this book with a downloadable pdf version can be found here.
Table of contents
Flussera Robionica
Flusser-GPT and the Crisis of Linearity
Baruch Gottlieb
Can Artificial Intelligence Procrastinate
Ulrich Richtmeyer
The Gesture of Film Editing
Varvara Šatunova
Reconsidering Time: The Playbook
Steph Holl-Trieu
AI Hallucination as a Flusserian Plaything
Marta Guerrini
Proposal Towards a New Imag(e)ination
Anne-Laure Oberson
Internet Culture Between Telematic Society and Totalitarianism of the Apparatus
Stephan Priefert
The Double Black Box of AI
Anne Braune-Vásquez
Flusser Rock Party
Max Wileschek I Oskar Helcel
Robion 2023