Towards Technosophy (2022)
Editable online version of the Flusser Summer School 2022 publication: Flussera Robionica (ed.), Towards Technosophy. Fachhochschule Potsdam urn:nbn:de:kobv:525-29553
Table of contents
Towards Technosophy
Baruch Gottlieb
The 'Movement of Doubt' in Drone Photography
Ulrich Richtmeyer
Stock Images - A Phantasmagoria of The Apparatus
Marta Guerrini
Provençal snapshots
Andrés Franco Harnache
RBN 22 - Pro UR Combo - Multiview Functionary
Franziska Kaul
Ten days - a dialogue between a guard, a boxer, a musician, a teacher, and a man
Zihern Lee
Improbable landscapes as future placemaking strategies
Ruxandra Lupu and Yuval Levi
Fashion’s Pilpul
Luciana Nacif
Eye-pparatus: Re-imagining the Human Eye in the Nineteenth Century
Alaz Okudan
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towards_technosophy/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/05 14:29 by steffi_winkler