Flusseriana glossary
The glossary texts from A-Z are the essential part of the Flusseriana .1)
Glossary Texts / Glossartexte / Textos do Glossário A–Z, pp. 38-449. In: Flusseriana. An Intellectual Toolbox, English / German / Portuguese, Minneapolis 2015, edited by Siegfried Zielinski and Peter Weibel with Daniel Irrgang in collaboration with Monaí de Paula Antunes and Norval Baitello, Jr.
Flusseriana glossary is also a category tag2) to assign and generate a list of existing Flusserianaglossary texts.
Glossary Texts / Glossartexte / Textos do Glossário A–Z, in: Flusseriana . An Intellectual Toolbox, English / German / Portuguese, Minneapolis 2015, edited by Siegfried Zielinski / Peter Weibel / Daniel Irrgang, pp. 38-449
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tag/flusseriana_glossary.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/23 12:17 by steffi_winkler